▶ Dear Future Generations: Sorry – Prince Ea – YouTube

Featured▶ Dear Future Generations: Sorry – Prince Ea – YouTube
Sorry - Prince Ea
Sorry – Prince Ea

via ▶ Dear Future Generations: Sorry – Prince Ea – YouTube.

This is the most powerful message of the year!

FeaturedRemember.  Please remember and let’s not have this happen again. #ISIS


Please read the little cartoon carefully – it is powerful. Then read the comments at the end.
I’m doing my small part by forwarding this message. I hope you’ll consider doing the same.

In Memorial

Remember the holocaust.


Remember the holocaust.
The Holocaust

It is now 69 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 Million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated.
Now, more than ever, it’s imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.

via (3153 unread) – jillgatsby – Yahoo Mail.



via AP Investigation: Slavery Taints Global Supply of Seafood.

Slaves forces to fish for Americans FOOD
Time to human up and start REALLY knowing WHERE your food comes from and who was tortured and/or killed to get it! Karma is a bitch and so will be the human race if you don’t clean up your act already!

Thai and Burmese fishing boat workers sit inside a cell at the compound of a fishing company in Benjina, Indonesia. The imprisoned men were considered slaves who might run away. They said they lived on a few bites of rice and curry a day in a space barely big enough to lie down, stuck until the next trawler forces them back to sea. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)

It’s time to claim responsibility – You’ve seen this and read it so now you are responsible to find out WHERE your fish came from and who was FORCED to get it for you – as as SLAVE – and if this is the case – Boycott ANY STORE in America or anywhere else in the world buying this crap from cruel monsters over in Indonesia,

No one should be a slave – not an human, an animal – no one.  And this is just sickening and unacceptable.

It’s time for human beings to stand up for the rights of others and protect them.

As we care for our least – This is the mark of our evolution in humanity.

If you want to take action – write or call these scum bags and tell them to stop supporting this sort of debauchery.

AP Investigation: Slavery Taints Global Supply of Seafood

Thai and Burmese fishing boat workers sit inside a cell at the compound of a fishing company in Benjina, Indonesia. The imprisoned men were considered slaves who might run away. They said they lived on a few bites of rice and curry a day in a space barely big enough to lie down, stuck until the next trawler forces them back to sea. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)

BENJINA, Indonesia (AP) — The Burmese slaves sat on the floor and stared through the rusty bars of their locked cage, hidden on a tiny tropical island thousands of miles from home.
Just a few yards away, other workers loaded cargo ships with slave-caught seafood that clouds the supply networks of major supermarkets, restaurants and even pet stores in the United States.
Here, in the Indonesian island village of Benjina and the surrounding waters, hundreds of trapped men represent one of the most desperate links criss-crossing between companies and countries in the seafood industry. This intricate web of connections separates the fish we eat from the men who catch it, and obscures a brutal truth: Your seafood may come from slaves.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Associated Press notified the International Organization for Migration about men in this story, who were then moved out of Benjina by police for their safety. Hundreds of slaves remain on the island, and five other men were in the cage this week.
The men The Associated Press spoke to on Benjina were mostly from Myanmar, also known as Burma, one of the poorest countries in the world. They were brought to Indonesia through Thailand and forced to fish. Their catch was shipped back to Thailand, and then entered the global commerce stream.
Tainted fish can wind up in the supply chains of some of America’s major grocery stores, such as Kroger, Albertsons and Safeway; the nation’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart; and the biggest food distributor, Sysco. It can find its way into the supply chains of some of the most popular brands of canned pet food, including Fancy Feast, Meow Mix and Iams. It can turn up as calamari at fine dining restaurants, as imitation crab in a California sushi roll or as packages of frozen snapper relabeled with store brands that land on our dinner tables.
In a year-long investigation, the AP interviewed more than 40 current and former slaves in Benjina. The AP documented the journey of a single large shipment of slave-caught seafood from the Indonesian village, including squid, snapper, grouper and shrimp, and tracked it by satellite to a gritty Thai harbor. Upon its arrival, AP journalists followed trucks that loaded and drove the seafood over four nights to dozens of factories, cold storage plants and the country’s biggest fish market.
Some fishermen, risking their lives, begged the reporters for help.
“I want to go home. We all do,” one Burmese slave called out over the side of his boat, a cry repeated by many men. “Our parents haven’t heard from us for a long time, I’m sure they think we are dead.”
Their catch mixes in with other fish at numerous sites in Thailand, including processing plants. U.S. Customs records show that several of those Thai factories ship to America. They also ship to Europe and Asia, but the AP traced shipments to the U.S., where trade records are public.

Workers in Benjina, Indonesia, load fish onto a cargo ship bound for Thailand. Seafood caught by slaves mixes in with other fish at a number of sites in Thailand, including processing plants. U.S. Customs records show that several of those Thai factories ship to the United States. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)
The major corporations identified by AP declined interviews but issued statements that strongly condemned labor abuses; many described their work with human rights groups to hold subcontractors accountable.
National Fisheries Institute spokesman Gavin Gibbons, speaking on behalf of 300 U.S. seafood firms that make up 75 percent of the industry, said his members are troubled by the findings.
“It’s not only disturbing, it’s disheartening because our companies have zero tolerance for labor abuses,” he said. “These type of things flourish in the shadows.”
The slaves interviewed by the AP described 20- to 22-hour shifts and unclean drinking water. Almost all said they were kicked, beaten or whipped with toxic stingray tails if they complained or tried to rest. They were paid little or nothing.
Runaway Hlaing Min said many died at sea.

“If Americans and Europeans are eating this fish, they should remember us. There must be a mountain of bones under the sea,” he said. “The bones of the people could be an island, it’s that many.”

The small harbor in the village is occupied by Pusaka Benjina Resources, whose five-story office compound includes the cage with the slaves. The company is the only fishing operation on Benjina officially registered in Indonesia, and is listed as the owner of more than 90 trawlers. However, the captains are Thai, and the Indonesian government is reviewing to see if the boats are really Thai-owned. Pusaka Benjina did not respond to phone calls and a letter, and did not speak to a reporter who waited for two hours in the company’s Jakarta office.
At the Benjina port, the AP interviewed slaves from a dozen fishing vessels offloading their catch into a large refrigerated cargo ship, the Silver Sea Line.
The ship belonged to the Silver Sea Reefer Co., which is registered in Thailand and has at least nine refrigerated cargo boats. The company said it is not involved with the fishermen.

Workers in Benjina, Indonesia, load fish onto a cargo ship bound for Thailand. Seafood caught by slaves mixes in with other fish at a number of sites in Thailand, including processing plants. U.S. Customs records show that several of those Thai factories ship to the United States. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)
“We only carry the shipment and we are hired in general by clients,” said company owner Panya Luangsomboon. “We’re separated from the fishing boats.”
The AP followed that ship, using satellite tracking over 15 days to Samut Sakhon, Thailand, and journalists watched as workers packed the seafood over four nights onto more than 150 trucks, following deliveries to factories around the city.
Inside those plants, representatives told AP journalists that they sold seafood to other Thai processors and distributors. U.S. Customs bills of lading identify specific shipments from those plants to American firms, including well-known brand names.
For example, one truck bore the name and bird logo of Kingfisher Holdings Ltd., which supplies frozen and canned seafood around the world. Another truck went to Mahachai Marine Foods Co., a cold storage business that also supplies Kingfisher, according to Kawin Ngernanek, whose family runs it.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” said Kawin, who also serves as spokesman for the Thai Overseas Fisheries Association. “Kingfisher buys several types of products.”
When later asked about abusive labor practices, Kawin was not available. Instead, Mahachai Marine Foods manager Narongdet Prasertsri responded: “I have no idea about it at all.” Kingfisher did not answer repeated requests for comment.
Every month, Kingfisher and its subsidiary KF Foods Ltd. sends about 100 metric tons of seafood from Thailand to America, according to U.S. Customs records. These shipments have gone to Stavis Seafoods, a Boston-based Sysco supplier, and other distributors.

“The truth is, these are the kind of things that keep you up at night,” said CEO Richard Stavis, who grandfather started the company. He said his business visits international processors, requires notarized certification of legal practices and uses third-party audits.

“There are companies like ours that care and are working as hard as they can,” he said.

Slaves from Myanmar lean over the deck of their fishing trawler at the port in Benjina, Indonesia. “I want to go home. We all do,” one man called out in Burmese, a cry repeated by others. “Our parents haven’t heard from us for a long time. I’m sure they think we are dead.” (AP Photo/APTN)
A similar pattern repeats itself with other companies and shipments.
The AP followed another truck to Niwat Co., where part owner Prasert Luangsomboon said the company sells to Thai Union Manufacturing. Weeks later, when confronted about forced labor in their supply chain, Niwat referred several requests for comment to Luangsomboon, who could not be reached for further comment.
Thai Union Manufacturing Co. is a subsidiary of Thai Union Frozen Products PCL., Thailand’s largest seafood corporation, with $3.5 billion in annual sales. This parent company, known simply as Thai Union, owns Chicken of the Sea and is buying Bumble Bee, although the AP did not observe any tuna fisheries.
Thai Union says its direct clients include Wal-Mart – (How SHOCKING!) , and ships thousands of cans of cat food to the U.S. every month, including household brands like Fancy Feast, Meow Mix and Iams. These end up on shelves of major grocery chains, such as Kroger, Safeway and Albertsons, as well as pet stores. Again, however, it’s impossible to tell if a particular can of cat food might have slave-caught seafood.

Treehouse Apartment Building The Way It Should Be!

FeaturedTreehouse Apartment Building The Way It Should Be!

via Mega-Treehouse is an Entire Apartment Building.

25 Verde is just amazing folks and I think you’ll agree.  I can only say that #YourtMutha is quite pleased with this new apartment building that was recently erected in Turnin, Italy.

earth speaks out

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Let’s just say it; The Italians have a certain class that America could do well to imitate here.  Talk about bringing the green to the gate.  This stunning apartment building boasts 150 Mature Trees and another 40 down in the courtyard.

earth speaks out

The 63 Unit Complex creates a unique way a living that cools down the place in the summer and keeps clean fresh air circulating at all times.  Tree can do that, you know?  It’s an amazing thing that EARTH created on her – and I’d say it’s a grand little miracle myself.

earth speaks out
earth speaks out
earth speaks out
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out
earth speaks out

And if this apartment building isn’t enough to inspire you to go green check out these gorgeous little tree houses.  Earth knows I’d do anything to live in one of these beauties!

Enjoy, pass it on and peace out!
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out

tree house literally
tree house literally

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This building even harvests and collects rainwater and uses it to feed the plants and trees that garnish it.  It’s an eco friendly dream come true and Earth and her personal dummy (that would be me) have never been so proud of the human race!  You’ve really done it this time, folks.  Now keep these coming.  We only need about 1/2 Billion more and we should be good to go.

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earth speaks out




Earth’s personal dummy is reporting LIVE on toilet paper this morning so get the recycled stuff or get bamboo toilet paper, because after all the fracking we’ve done to #yourmutha why shouldn’t your butt be sore too?

MR. MOON MOVIE REVIEWS! He’s out of control!

FeaturedMR. MOON MOVIE REVIEWS!  He’s out of control!

This weeks picks at the box office!


He’s reviewing the movies and pray he doesn’t give your film the ole’ dark side! It’s bad enough to get a bad review, but when #MrMoon doesn’t like you it’s like getting sucked into his black hole. Uhhh…. did someone say “Black Hole?” Heeee … huuuuu …. I’m so immature!

DISCLAIMER: Mrs. Mother, #YourMutha and Planet Earth deny any association with Mr Moon and his opinions.  In fact, we believe he’s just a moody little man with an inferiority complex trying to get attention. Just because he doesn’t like a movie doesn’t mean #YourMutha doesn’t like it.  And just because #MrMoon says it’s good …. well .. just look at his taste in movies, people!  “Nightcrawler?”

Really now?  I mean like a thriller as much as the next one, but why can’t James Cameron just come out with Avatar II already?  It’s just killing me!

Why does hospice have to be so depressing?

FeaturedWhy does hospice have to be so depressing?

I know we’re all dying.  I know.  I know.  But why do these places have to be so damn depressing and lacking in creativity?

How about adding some amazing landscape murals and a little creative lighting to transform death into something beautiful instead of this bleak STERILE environment that would depress even Mary Poppins?

I know I’d pay to die somewhere beautiful, serene and exceptional than some nursing home with 4 walls.  How about you?

Here’s the DAY ROOM – to create an outdoor feeling –


And this is an idea for a Night ROOM  … and if you’re going to put a flat screen in the room – why not include the BBC PLANETS collection along with 100’s of the videos revealing the most beautiful things in the universe.  I mean if this is it – why not at least let these patients be surrounded by as much beauty as possible … I mean these days it can be right into their room – but who is doing this?  Anyone? Anyone?

luxury hospice

This is a recipe for a gentle departure with a relaxed and warm feeling that unites the patient back to their very beginning.

Why doesn’t someone create a business plan for these kinds of care facilities?

Hospice that matters.

Hospice with real guides to take you into the next realm- The way you want it.

Hospice with radical beauty,  radical creativity … Videos walls revealing fantastic Photography and EARTH Art from all over the world.

How about Hospice with brilliant music and exposure to the most beautiful images in all history?

This story below is what inspired me to think of this.  I sure hope there are people out there doing something like this.  If you know of anyone, please post it here.  I’d love to update this story with good news!

via 8 Signs That Mean Cancer Death Is Imminent.

Cancer Patients dying slowly in a room of ….

I kissed a dog Katy Perry Spoof! Earth’s Dummy has had a complete break from reality!

FeaturedI kissed a dog Katy Perry Spoof!  Earth’s Dummy has had a complete break from reality!

via I kissed a dog Katy Perry Spoof – YouTube.

Yes, she lost reality in Griffith Park this weekend while frolicking in Travel Town. Now she’s resorted to making spoofs on Katy Perry and dog kissing!

At least her dog doesn’t French kiss.  Actually, I think a tongue did sneak out there once and right up the ole’ nostril hole.  You see, humans.  This is the key to happiness!

Follow Jill Gatsby’s example. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or under the weather … make a video like this with French Kissing dogs and babies.  It’s a guarantee to turn anyone’s day around.

Now if we could just introduce Dog Kissing to the radicals in the Middle East … perhaps there could be peace.





I say more HOOKWORM and less WAR!  Bring on the kissing!  Perhaps you could give your dog a little mouth wash before you engage fully …. and buy the sport a little Sonicare Toothbrush while you’re at to keep those teeth fresh and clean!

Rush hour in the skies! OUT OF CONTROL, PEOPLE!

FeaturedRush hour in the skies! OUT OF CONTROL, PEOPLE!

via Rush hour in the skies: Real time map that shows you every plane in the air right now | Daily Mail Online.

And Jupiter is off complaining about chem-trails!  Look at this! I mean for real?  When is too much, too much, humans?  I mean my sky looks like the 405 Freeway at rush hour for crying out loud!  I just want to know how Felix Baumgartner landed with out hitting one of these suckers!

AIR TRAFFIC OUT OF CONTROL!  Really? 5000 planes in the sky over the USA as we speak?
Really? 5000 planes in the sky over the USA as we speak?

At any given moment there are an estimated 5,000 commercial airplanes in the skies over me all across the United States. If you go to Flightradar24 you can track flights on me all around the world, whether commercial airliners, private jets or military aircraft.

The website’s flight map is updated every couple of seconds. Using the map you can track a specific flight, mark out its route, the airport from which it departed and where it is supposed to land. You can even see its altitude and speed.

And all of this is neat and wonderful except for the fact that every single one of those planes is farting out toxic fumes all over ME!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2204838/Rush-hour-skies-Real-time-map-shows-plane-air-right-now.html#ixzz3R0DAcHJ2
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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THE EARTH SHOW is coming!

FeaturedTHE EARTH SHOW is coming!

via Earth Speaks Out! News, Insults & Solutions! | THE EARTH SHOW.

CALL #YOURMUTHA TODAY AND LEAVE A MESSAGE.  TELL HER ALL YOUR TROUBLES!  SHE’SLL GIVE YOU ALL HER SOLUTIONS ON THE EARTH SHOW coming in March!  Got issues today? Leave a message!  Maybe she’ll call you back LIVE online!

#YOURMUTHA – 424-MOM-8283 – THAT’S 424-666-8283 (Yeah! It’s devilish!)


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Most Amazingly-Creative Protests Ever Recorded by Sheep Art! The Sheep Knows!

FeaturedMost Amazingly-Creative Protests Ever Recorded by Sheep Art!  The Sheep Knows!

via 18 Of The Most Amazingly-Creative Protests Ever Recorded | Art-Sheep |.

This is a brilliant series so click on the link and check it out!

Here are a couple of the protests that are outright hilarious – but I am saving some of the best for Art Sheep’s site – so click and go check it out because when Art Sheep talks – Earth Listens!

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Most people think protests are aimless especially when they are mismanaged and get violent.

Such protests instead lead to many socio-economic challenges, which create more problems than before.

However, if clever words and peaceful gestures are used for a protest, it gets more positive attention and hence may change the course of history.

Today, we have collected 18 such creative protests ever recorded from the history: 18 Of The Most Amazingly-Creative Protests Ever Recorded | Art-Sheep |.

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This is my proposal for the LA DECOM Burning MAN out at Joshua Tree March 19th – March 22nd.  http://laburningman.com/index.php/bequinox/ticket-info

Earth Selfy Project for Burning Man
So the idea is of this ART project is not only to transform the famous Cloud 9 into a spectacular exterior – but to inspire all Burners with RV’s to follow this model and transform their heap of gas guzzling stink into something spectacular on the “Cheap”.

I have dreamed of doing this for years, but I’ve been to overwhelmed by all the great artists on the playa and was too chicken shit to apply for any sort of art installation.  However, Joshua Tree doesn’t sound as scary and if we can get this project up and running it would be so awesome because then we could spread it like Ebola all over the RV Burner community and start turning lots and lots of RV’s into mobile ART Galleries.  And this I think would just be awesome!

Earth's personal dummy get an idea!
Earth’s personal dummy get an idea!

Let’s transform Fugly RV’s on the Playa into outdoor ART GALLERIES! Whooo Hooo! Project Art Selfy~  Now let’s get to it, folks!  This is not so hard.  For a 2 sides display – like this one below – simply cut out a screen and rig it to PVC Piping to mold it into any shape around the RV you’d like – This is a simple design here – The Rear – of the RV is a solid image – However you can project quite nicely out the large rear window of most RV’s to create a great rear projected image against this.  I THINK. I am Earth’s personal dummy, people. I may require a little help with this. As for the side – I am thinking of using an outside projector that will project directly onto the side canvas – onto the longest side of the RV – And perhaps taking 2 or 3 (if my budget allows) or if some super creative people who know how to play with projectors want to hop on board this train – we could create a multiple three panel projector art show that would be out of this world. It’s sort of like the one they did at the LA ZOO NIGHTS this year.  Let me see if I can find that footage –  …. OKAY! I FOUND THEM AND MADE A GIF … LA-ZOO-LIGHTS-elephants LET’S MAKE RV’S AMAZING TO MAKE UP FOR THE AIR POLLUTING MONSTERS THEY TRULY ARE!  IT’S THE LEAST YOU CAN DO FOR #YOURMUTHA

Earth Selfy Project for Burning Man
So the idea is of this ART project is not only to transform the famous Cloud 9 into a spectacular exterior – but to inspire all Burners with RV’s to follow this model and transform their heap of gas guzzling stink into something spectacular on the “Cheap”.

Because #YourMutha just doesn’t want to look at this:

Turning RV's Into Art Galleries!
Turning Fugly RVS into something that doesn’t hurt #YourMutha ‘s eyes!
Let’s cover that crap up and turn YOUR RV into an art gallery instead!

See – This is what Cloud 9 Looks Like: I did this in 3 days while Teddy was out-of-town.  I think I evaporated approximately 2 billion 53 million and four hundred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-two brain cells.  I don’t think there’s much left now. Relying on the liquid stuff in there to  … uhhhhhh … and here is CLOUD 9!

Burning Man Project 2015 Earth Selfy and Cloud 9
Burning Man Project 2015 Earth Selfy and Cloud 9

And if you have any ideas for this – Pla — Please let me know. I am always open to suggestion.  It’s how I ended up in bed with my boyfriend after only knowing him 3 days! He suggested it was a good Idea.  I was completely under his control.  And he hasn’t been able to get rid of me ever since!

Earth's Personal Dummy has a boyfriend!
My evil twin.


ABOVE ALL I AM A HUMAN BEING by Dr. Tawfik Hamid – A Love Filled Muslim. Yes … This is possible!

FeaturedABOVE ALL I AM A HUMAN BEING by Dr. Tawfik Hamid – A Love Filled Muslim. Yes … This is possible!

He deserves a medal, but who reads him in the Islamic world?

  And how long will he survive? Protect This Man. Protect These Ideals.  Protect This Love.  


From The Heart of an Honest Muslim.

Islam, Muslim, Earth Speaks Out
Dr. Hamid is an Egyptian scholar and author of the following article.Â
The world needs more people like him – ones who have the courage to face-up to reality, and not fear those who oppose honesty.

By Dr. Tawfik Hamid

“I am a Muslim by faith, a Christian by spirit, a Jew by heart, and above all I am a human being.”

Dr. Hamid is an Egyptian scholar and author of the following article.Â

The world needs more people like him – ones who have the courage to face-up to reality, and not fear those who oppose honesty.

Curing #Hate #Racism and #War The Muslim Truth #Puttingloveinthemiddle

I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam.Earth Speaks Out - I was Born A Muslim

After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.

Earth Speaks Out - Muslim Evolution
It’s happening and here’s the first step in a solution.

I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward non-Muslims.

Earth Speaks Out Muslim Reform and Muslim Solutions

We Muslims are the ones who need to change.Â

Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.



Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt To Reform American Islam

 3 comments  📅30 March 2012, 15:34


Dr. Tawfik Hamid (CONTINUED)

 We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars, to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called jizia.


We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the mosques.

What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews “descendants of the pigs and monkeys”?  [Yet, both Arabs and Jews are descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham)!]

Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate?

Earth Speaks Out #Puttingloveinthemiddle
Many of the rally’s participants were amazed to learn that slavery was legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962. Within a decade of America’s Civil War, the Ottomans had banned slavery and dhimmitude throughout the Empire. Just as in the U.S. it was the South, i.e. Arabia, wihch rose up and fought a civil war against Istanbul, in the same way that the American south went to war against Abraham Lincoln’s governement. Tragically, in the Ottoman civiil war, the southern slavers (ARABS) won. The Ottoman Empire dropped its demands for emancipation in Arabia. Yes, the slave masters won the right to hold slaves, and that right was only abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962. Sudan’s Arab colonizers have never given up their right to hold and traffic in slaves. Sudan Freedom Walk
See Simon on Youtube, speaking about his experiences as a slave, then later a political activist working to help the Sudanese people. “The world ignored the problems in southern Sudan for so long because…the government of Sudan is waging…jihad against the infidels (the black Christians), the world doesn’t want to be accused of being intolerant anti-islam. Since the victims are Christians and black Africans, the world doesn’t care.” Read the transcript of a speech Simon gave last year in Geneva
Monica, standing on the left, is Simon’s wife, also from southern Sudan. Eva, on his right, is an American supporter.
The tribal scars across Simon’s forehead are traditional for men from the Shilluk tribe. When Simon was a child slave, he happened to see a man with these tribal scars, and knew the man must be from his village. He asked that man for help, and that is how he escaped.

I have been into [Christian] churches and [Jewish] synagogues where they were praying for Muslims.

While all the time, we curse them, and teach our generations to call them “infidels”, and to hate them.

Earth Speaks Out - The REAL Muslim

We immediately jump in a ‘knee jerk reflex’ to defend Prophet Mohammad when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time, …we are proud with the story in our Islamic books that he married a young girl seven years old [Aisha] when he was above 50 years old.

Shocked is all I can say!

I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after September 11th and after many other terror attacks.

Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause.

Earth Speaks Out - Transformation

Until now our ‘reputable’ top religious authorities have never issued a fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Shari’a law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.

Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the hijab (head scarf),

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while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders. It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts.

We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Earth Speaks Out

As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East .

We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them “Jews-free countries” while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there, have their own nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel, women cannot be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of ‘apostasy,’ while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights.

I agree that the ‘Palestinians’ suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel .

Earth Speaks Out
Is peace possible? Listen to this Muslim Doctor and find out how.

It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world.

On the other hand, we used to see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel , its ‘enemy.’  If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening.Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 10.16.26 PM

We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with human mankind.Â

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Our religious leaders have to show a clear, and very strong stand against polygamy, paedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religion, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam.Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 10.18.19 PM

Then, and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion..Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 10.17.31 PM

The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly:

‘We Muslims have to change !’

Earth Speaks Out for Peace In The Middle East.
Peace comes when humans put love in the middle … like a sandwich. It’s easy. You can do it!

And this is what #PUTTINGLOVEINTHEMIDDLE is all about.



via Millions of GMO insects could be released in Florida Keys – Yahoo News.


Scientists are about to release a GMO Mosquito into the Florida Keys in an attempt to wipe out a virus.  Will it work or will they just end up creating MOSQUITOZILLA!  AHHHH!  TALK ABOUT A BLOOD SUCKER.  MY HEAD HURTS.



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Dracula’s been sleeping on Mars all this time! See his Coffin!

FeaturedDracula’s been sleeping on Mars all this time!  See his Coffin!

via Proof Of Life On Mars? New NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Photo Shows Ancient Coffin.

Earth Speaks Out about Dracula's Coffin on Mars!  It's real, people and he's coming to suck your blood!
Earth Speaks Out about Dracula’s Coffin on Mars! It’s real, people and he’s coming to suck your blood!

Yes, it all makes sense now.  I always knew Dracula was around, but he’s been evading me fall this time with his craftiness.   Earth Speaks Out about Dracula's Coffin on Mars!  It's real, people and he's coming to suck your blood! And now I discover he’s been crashing on my son?  Well, it’s not shocking.  Mars is just desperate for attention.  It’s hard to watch your mother getting all the praise.

Earth Speaks Out! Dracula is Coming!
But it SNOT! It’s Dracula’s Coffin! Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid – He’s coming …. eeewwwww. That’s just TMI.

And I’ve always wanted the best for Mars, but he’s got a terrible temper and he’s just too hot headed.  Instead of sending scientists to visit him, they should send therapists.  

Earth Speaks Out and wants to  be taken away by Dracula ... Gary Oldman to be exact.
Yes, Dracula’s coming and and if he looks anything like Gary Oldman … I’m all in! Go ahead and suck away, baby! Then take me back to Mars with you where we can live happily ever after – because being here with all these humans is doing me in!

Now as far as Dracula and his coffin goes – the proof is in the pudding!  So beware all over me!  Dracula is waiting to devour you and he’s the REAL ALIEN!

Don’t get Fracked!

FeaturedDon’t get Fracked!

via 5e8e74cd2bf788c50c5078d979b48fa7.jpg 600×900 pixels.

tracking, ban tracking, Earth Speaks Out
Don’t get Fracked!
Earth Speaks Out
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Earth Speaks Out
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Earth Speaks Out
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Face the Friggin' Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race - its the way to end it. Morons.
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Earth Speaks Out
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.
Earth Speaks Out on Fracking on Earth
Face the Friggin’ Facts! Fracking is not the way to sustain your race – its the way to end it. Morons.

Dad Arrested for Giving Cannabis Oil to Daughter With Cancer

FeaturedDad Arrested for Giving Cannabis Oil to Daughter With Cancer
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!

READ this story here –  Dad Arrested for Giving Cannabis Oil to Daughter With Cancer.

Adam Koessler with Rumer Rose. Photo by Facebook.

The father of a 2-year-old with late-stage cancer is facing jail time for using cannabis oil in an attempt to ease his daughter’s suffering.

When Adam Koessler’s 2-year-old daughter Rumer Rose was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma recently, he began supplementing her chemo treatments with doses of cannabis oil, seeing “amazing” results. Still, Koessler lives in Australia, where medical marijuana is illegal, and he was arrested Jan. 2 for his efforts; he was released on bail but now faces charges for possessing dangerous drugs and for supplying them to a minor, and is due back in court on Friday. The situation has outraged thousands around the world, who have signed online petitions and raised money in support of the single dad.

STORY: Parents Under Investigation for Neglect After Allowing Kids to Walk to Playground

“He is a father doing whatever possible to save his child… let him go,” writes one of nearly 114,000 supporters on a Change.org petitionto drop Koessler’s charges and legalize medical marijuana. Says another, “If the law states that this man cannot give his terminally ill… daughter something that improves her quality of life, than the law needs to be changed. The fact that this man has had his parental rights taken away by an ignorant legal system that has absolutely no right to do so absolutely disgusts me.”

This is heartbreaking and overgrown with ignorance.  I put this stuff here – I made it, I grew it, I created it.  

It’s the safest stuff on me.  Now …. now … teenagers – that doesn’t mean abuse it and use it until your brain feels like a football. 

I know it can be hard to use common sense sometimes, but try … like Janis Joplin said it, “A little bit harder!” 

Love, your mother! 

Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
Cancer Cure - listen to mother earth over here!  www.earthspeaksout.com
Cancer Cure – listen to mother earth over here!
http://www.earthspeaksout.com I know it can be hard to use common sense sometimes, but try … like Janis Joplin said it, “A little bit harder!” 

The Cure For Racism – Please Share It, Live It, And Be It!

FeaturedThe Cure For Racism – Please Share It, Live It, And Be It!

Post by Emeka Mbadiwe.

I wept today as I watched this.  This is the cure to war. This is the cure to hatred. This is the cure for racism. This is the answer for world peace.  This is the answer for an evolved humanity and evolved civilization.  

This is possible and Emeka Mbadiwe  … Well, what a voice, what heart, what a love and what a human being.  

My faith in humanity has been restored this day. 

Everything You Never Knew About Mascara – MITES!

FeaturedEverything You Never Knew About Mascara – MITES!


via Everything You Never Knew About Mascara.

So YAHOO has a story today about mascara and I just had to share my 2 cents in this.

Earth Speaks Out

So what’s so sexy to you girls about living with mites on your lashes?  Really?  You don’t know?

Read this then and get a real taste of the price of beauty as you call it … I prefer my humans au naturale!

Eyelash Mites: Causes, Treatments and Precautions


What it Is?

The eyelash mite or the Demodex folliculitis is a parasite found in the follicles of our faces, mainly, in the nose, cheeks and most especially the eyelash area. Eyelash mites are usually harmless and most people live their day to day lives without being bothered by the fact that a worm like parasite is currently feeding off his or her oils. Anyone can have it although babies are born with absolutely no parasites on them, Healthy Body Daily has found that older people are more prone to having eyelash mites because their immune system is weaker allowing an easy entry for bacteria and according to recent estimates over eighty percent of Americans have parasites.These parasites usually are positioned face down into the hair follicle and they feed off waste material and build up from our faces.


Generally these little critters will not do anybody any harm. Some scientists have even concluded that there is somewhat of a symbiotic relationship between eyelash mites and human beings. They claim that eyelash mites remove dirt and oil from our follicles and in turn we let them live on our faces.

Even when the number of eyelash mites is found to be too high but the patient is not suffering from any side effect, doctors tend to leave it alone.

However, in cases where the number of demodex are too high (this phenomenon is called demodicosis), and it is coupled with your eyelash area becoming irritated, infected and inflamed, it is mportant to have a doctor check this out immediately.

It was also found that although usually more than one eyelash mite is found in a single follicle, too many of them would cause the eyelashes to fall out.

What are the Causes?

Although everyone has eyelash mites and they are just part of how our beautiful ecosystem works, demodicosis, is not part of this natural process. Demodicosis is the name for the phenomenon where there are too many eyelash mates on the face causing it to become infected and particularly in the eyelash area, the eyelashes fall out.

Demodicosis is usually present in people who secrete too much all or even in women who put on loads of makeup every night. What worsens this situation is when you fail to wash your face before going to sleep at night. According to Dr. Oz (of The Oprah Show fame), 50% of Americans have eyelash mites as a result of sleeping in eye makeup.

It is always important to maintain proper hygiene and to always remember to wash your face before dozing off. Eye makeup can be a source of bacteria. Mascara specifically is known to be a possible breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Always remember to wash your makeup brushes and to use clean mascara wands in order to avoid the overpopulation of eyelash mites in the eyelash area.

Treatment for Eyelash Mites

When it is already too late for precautionary measures and you are now infested with eyelash mites, it is always important to keep your eyelash area clean. Here are some tips to help you get rid of eyelash mites.

  • Use a no tear baby soap to wash your face twice a day
  • You can also use tea tree products such as shampoos and facial washes
  • Also, apply a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the lashes
  • Avoid using makeup for at least two weeks
  • When it’s time to use makeup again, buy new ones. Your previous makeup kit could have been exacerbating your situation
  • Have your spouse checked for demodicosis
  • Also have your animals checked. Dogs can also be vulnerable to eyelash mites
  • Buy new clean sheets and pillows

The reason that it is important to buy new makeup, sheets and pillows is so that you can avoid a situation where you are re-infecting yourself with eyelash mites left on your old makeup brushes and on your old sheets.


As was previously mentioned, paying close attention to your hygiene is essential. Always remember to wash your face before going to bed. Throw away old mascara and eye makeup. Having pets (especially those that sleep with you in bed) checked for eyelash mites can also save you from demodicosis.

Eyelash mites and human beings have a sort of give and take relationship. Eyelash mites actually remove harmful dirt and oils from our faces. The only downside is when due to poor hygiene, your face becomes somewhat of a feast of dirt and oils for these eyelash mites. This could lead to a situation where too many eyelash mites are eating off a single follicle. Not only will this infect your eyes but it can cause a serious loss of eyelashes. Always remember to keep your face free of any dirt before hitting the sack.

Now if these combined articles don’t gross you out for the day just wait until you see what I have for you next week!

Earth Speaks Out signing off!  Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 11.41.27 AM

Earth Speaks About Je Suis Nigeria#Anyone and #Je Suis Charlie. Time To Join Hands NOW!

FeaturedEarth Speaks About Je Suis Nigeria#Anyone and #Je Suis Charlie.  Time To Join Hands NOW!

There are things that are happening all over me that are atrocious.

So, I can’t get anyone to comment or get into a conversation about how to make me better, people but on Facebook there were over 20 comments and diatribes about the Je Suis Nigeria #Anyone? Hashtag.  Well – here’s what earth has to say about it ….

Paris, Terrorism,Nigeria Massacre, Paris massacre, Sydney Massacre
It’s time to talk about the truth about what’s going on all over me!

You people are born on me, you live on me, you die on me and you complain and argue and fight and kill relentlessly all over me! And it’s ALWAYS in the name of some human’s religion or because some human got offended.


Black Moon Rising! You get pissed off over a frickin’ hashtag. Are you kidding? Really? Let me give you a little perspective here if I may. I am the one who made you! I am the air you breathe, morons! I am the life that flows through you! Without me there is no you – you can try to destroy me – but in the end – no human race and still I will be here. Now with that being said – I think I’ve been pretty patient.

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You humans are crapping all over me about 12 Billion times a day, okay! You crap on me and you pollute the hell out of me and if I’m not swallowing you up perhaps you people should get a clue and stop swallowing up each other. What do you say? Now when something on ME goes wrong and starts to grow out of control – I simply absorb it and transform it into something else.

Earth Speaks Out
Human Turd Transformed into beautiful creek! See?

This is a simple technique in world peace, people. You see with everything I do I put love in the middle.

Upper Lyman Lake, Glacier Peak Wilderness

That’s why there are so many beautiful things all over me – miraculous works of GOD most of you say – because you just can’t keep it simple and give the credit where it’s due!

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I am your maker, people! Now EVERYONE needs to stand TOGETHER – you don’t say “Well, more people got massacred over here so forget about these guys” or “Hey, those guys are in such deep poo poo there’s no saving them so let’s just save our own buttocks.”

earth speaks out and about her favorite cartoon on the net!
#1 Cartoon of the DAY!

CALLING All the humans who have at least 1/3 of their brains working correctly need to join together and absorb and re-educate violent hate filled souls whose only real consistent state of being in life is FEAR. This FEAR must be transformed into love – and not love of some god, or spirit or high power – but a love for yourself and EVERYTHING living on me.

Jill Gatsby - The Faces of God - Earth Speaks Out
Jill Gatsby – The Faces of God – Earth Speaks Out

You think this is HARD to do? Maybe it is, but if you don’t want another holocaust on me, then it might be worth the GREAT effort. Human Up People. This is not the time for petty resentments and arguements – this is the time to put LOVE in the middle!



Earth’s Personal Dummy is now trying to create a FORUM~ Watch a nervous breakdown!

FeaturedEarth’s Personal Dummy is now trying to create a FORUM~ Watch a nervous breakdown!

Help! How can it be so difficult to create a place where everyone can talk about solutions?  

But let me tell you, I’m going out of mind over here! 

Earth Speaks Out Earth's Pesonal Dummy creates a forum!  So who's got a solution, people!  Let's step up and get this party going!
Have you ever tried putting together a FORUM? What a harangue! I created an entire forum on http://www.muut.com but no one can see it but me, Earth’s personal Dummy! A lot of good that does! Well it looks like it’s earth and I going up against the bad guys! Niagara Falls help us all!
Earth Speaks Out!
Somebody help already!  Share something!  Post something! Love your mother! 
Help this maniac, earth’s personal dummy get something accomplished here on your mother!

I tried to set up a MUUT FORUM but they are completely defective with zero customer support!  All you can see on their forum is this … 

The Forum That Cut Off Earth’s HEAD! 

Earth's personal dummy kavetches about the www.muut.com forum's inadequacies.
Tell these imbiciles to fix their forums or stop having them. What’s the point of having a forum that only shows the top of earth’s head and allows for no posts, not to mention it doesn’t display any of the posts that are already there! Well, I never!

Actually, I did.  I posted a lot of things – You just can’t see them!  Oh the horror of it all!

Earth's personal dummy squeezes her face for solutions!  Earth

Now in the meantime I am going to commence my journey searching for a forum that is actually going to run and work so every idiot savant on the planet can come together and create a brilliant society of radical forgiveness, radical self reliance and radical unconditional love for Earth, all living creatures, and of course, ME! 

How To Save The Monarch Butterfly! You Can Do This! It’s Fun and Easy!

FeaturedHow To Save The Monarch Butterfly!  You Can Do This!  It’s Fun and Easy!

via (7123 unread) – jillgatsby – Yahoo Mail.

PLANT IT, BUY IT, SPREAD IT AROUND LIKE BUTTER ON BREAD!   It's time to save the cutest little creatures with wings on the planet! And all you have to do is read all the instructions in this blog and plant some MilkWeed!  you can do it!  Don't be a dill weed!  Plant some MilkWeed today and save the Monarchs my MUTHA!  www.earthspeaksout.com
It’s time to save the cutest little creatures with wings on the planet! And all you have to do is read all the instructions in this blog and plant some MilkWeed! you can do it! Don’t be a dill weed! Plant some MilkWeed today and save the Monarchs my MUTHA!

Okay humans!  The Monarch Butterfly is in serious trouble, but we can actually do something about it and it’s not going to cost you anything … well .. you are going to have to buy some Milk Weed I think – but stop being so cheap and keep reading!  What’s a matter with you, humans anyway?


Please read this entire page to get all the important information you need about Milkweed. The seed we send to you can grow almost anywhere in North America. When you are ready to plant, place seeds 1/8 inch below the soil surface you can use a deep pot, since most milkweeds have a long roots. Don’t plant the seeds too deep, because they need plenty of light and warmth to germinate and grow ( at 70 degrees within 14 days). Keep the seedlings moist for the first three weeks after they sprout, then transplant to larger containers with quality soil if necessary. You can lightly fertilize them lightly after the seedling stage, using a regular flower fertilizer. Cutting off the top of the plant after they reach 8-12″ creates more stalks and more leaves. It takes about two months before the plant is large enough for caterpillars to eat. When the leaves have been eaten, simply cut the plant off about three inches above the soil or just above the lowest branching of the stalk and the plant will grow back fuller and create even more fod for Monarchs. Warning: one caterpillar will eat 20+ large leaves so make sure you have enough plants to support the number of caterpillars you have, or they will starve.

When to plant depends on your location. It takes a minimum of 60 days from seeds to have a plant large enough to support a caterpillars’ food needs. You can raise our tropical Milkweed in pots inside your home or greenhouse, and it should survive the winter. If you live in a northern climate and see snow, then request the Speciosia variety of milkweed seed, as it survives the winters cold. You can save your seeds till next year and start them early inside, then transplant outside when the weather warms up. Your goal should be to create a refuge of lush milkweed for the migrating Monarch and have extra plants in case of any shortages. Once you have a good supply of milkweed, you can also purchase eggs, small caterpillars or chrysalis to ensure there are butterflies in your area immediately or assist with the genetic diversity in remote areas. Just one mating couple and a good supply of milkweed could produce many healthy fluttering friends for your community. Check with your local plant nurseries if you have questions about when to plant seeds or when to buy plants or transplant them safely outdoors.

Get a 45 DAY jump on your garden with pre grown Milkweed plants $1 EACH – CLICK HERE 

There are over 160 types of milkweed and we hope you are able to source it locally and support your local nurseries and providers of healthy, pesticide free milkweed for your diverse regions. We have always promoted the use of whatever existing resources you may have and the conservation, propagation and sharing of these natural resources. We know that it takes effort to find these resources, ensure their proper care and support their needs long term and we ask that you reach out within your community to assist persons cultivating native varieties or become a resource yourself.

Throughout the 12 years of our Foundation’s existence we have seen a growing movement for “native” varieties and we support it. We also support the Monarch Migration in its entirety. Along its now greatly threatened route lies millions of acres of killing fields full of poisions and sadly far to few native milkweed to ensure that hundreds of millions of caterpillars do not starve along the way. Sadly we are unable to to supply the millions of milkweeds necessary last minute to every starving Monarch caterpillar. We are here to assist you and the Monarchs by providing a resource that may not be availiable or in short supply. We hope to be a backup or safety net when local supply is exhausted.

The Milkweed variety we grow and seeds we sell are the two favorites of the Monarch and they prefer it for raising their young and even the caterpillars will seek it out over many other varieties if given a choice, making it an excellent choice as a backup food supply. Yes, adult Monarch butterflies can smell them from 20 miles away and will seek them out. These varieties occur naturally throughout large areas of North America, but are not native to all areas. Please be responsible in the introduction of any plants into sensitive areas. 

tray For ground grown plants we usually start a thousand seeds all at once in these great nursery trays which have 288 separate compartments. It takes a while to place seeds in each square but the transplanting is fast and keeps wasted space to a minimum. When the seedlings have at least two sets of leaves we transplant to larger containers. We use 16 ounce Dixie cups with several small holes drilled in the bottom for good drainage. The seedlings have long roots and must be kept moist so transplant and water soon after. We suggest you purchase the best potting soil available as this will greatly accelerate the growth of these seedlings. Growing times will depend on milkweed variety and your location. 7-14 days is typical for germination.
lilplants These are some of our growing containers. The seedling on the left is about 30 days old (from seed) and at this point should be pinched. That means the tiny new leaves at the top of the plant should be cut off. This cutting forces the plant to begin new growth from each joint. The plant on the right is about 40 days old and has 5 growth stalks which will provide far more leaves for your caterpillars and gives you a much fuller bush like Milkweed. Once the plants get going the growth is dramatic from week to week. Water only when the soil gets dried out or the plants begin to wilt after the seedling stage. When the roots completely surround the inside of the pot it is time for a larger container with good drainage. Good luck and thank you.
Here is a picture of 1000+ seedlings grown in 16 ounce plastic cups. It takes a lot of patient work! The plants in front are ready to be transplanted into larger containers. Use the best soil you can and buy a good fertilizer! It will more than pay for itself in the long run. Try worm casting for a more Natural alternative or compost.

Can you spot the 75 caterpillars in this picture? Don’t worry. We can’t either, but we pick off that many each day and transfer them to our larger plants.

The next section gives you some very helpful advice for caring for your plants and propagating more quickly.


Click below for a section on Advanced Caterpillar raising and common questions regarding possible problems and how to avoid them. Click here for answers

APHIDS / Spider Mites and how to easily get rid of them:
1. Unless you grow inside a laboratory, Aphids will find your plants 😦
2. Unless your plants are hidden by these yellow orange suckers, the caterpillars will not be disturbed by their presence. However they do stress the plant and slow its growth. The plant pictured at left is very stressed!
3. Eliminating aphids completely is an ongoing battle, but you are much larger and have the advantage. 🙂

In case you want to know, the oleander aphid is orange. It is the most common problem.

Methods of Removal

Try buying a bunch of Ladybugs or Lacewings. They work well or…

  1. Cut off the tops of the plants where aphids are greatest and trow that part several feet away from the plants onto the ground. There are already several types of predators eating aphids commonly found in most areas of North America and by tossing them aside the aphids will die but may provide an ongoing food source for tiny wasps that may be already inside of the aphids…in a few days these aphid paracites hatch out and continue the war against the aphids. It is a war of numbers and you can easily turn the tide in your favor.
  2. Squash them with your fingers. Yucky, but highly effective. Good for a few, but you will have yellow fingers.
  3. Remove the Monarch caterpillars and a few leaves to a separate container, and spray plants with a mix of dish detergent and water, let sit a few minutes, rinse plants several times and make sure dead aphids are off before placing caterpillars back on plants. It is best to keep one safe plant for the caterpillars so you can really make sure aphids are gone. Repeat weekly if necessary. Important to wash off soap residue so plant does not suffocate too. Do this out of direct sunlight.

The Mix: 3 tablespoons dish washing detergent (Dawn or similar) to a half gallon of water.

Use pesticides only as a last resort. Beneficial insects like ladybugs are well worth the investment!

There are many safe insecticides to buy which work very well. Just follow their directions carefully, and try to isolate your caterpillars from the treated plants for as long as possible. Please be very careful when using sprays or poisons around children, animals and nearby plants. Soap also kills the orange and black milkweed sucker bugs. Always remember your actions are important and you can easily save or kill important parts of our environment by your actions. Please search out the safest methods of accomlishing your goals and ask questions.


MILKWEED SAFETY is a topic of concern for everyone and it is important to know the dangers inherent in any activity so they can be avoided completely. We have distributed tens of millions of milkweed seeds and over one hundred thousand milkweed plants during our twelve plus years of supplying North America with this resource to help preserve and strengthen the Annual Monarch Migration. To date (Feb 2014) we have not had one incident reported from any child, teen or adult or any pet or kept animal ingesting milkweed. Please read the entire safety section and please share the knowledge.

The three rules for all milkweed: 1. DO NOT EAT 2.DO NOT GET SAP ON SKIN OR IN EYES. 3. EDUCATE AND PROTECT OTHERS FROM #1 & #2.

Milkweed was named after the milky sap which contains latex, its scientific name Asclepias is the name of the greek god of healing due to Milkweed’s many medicinal uses. There are over 160 different types of Milkweed a few are toxic MOST ARE NOT. Milkweed is a know purgative (makes you vomit) even upon consumption of a tiny amount and the taste is horrible. This horrible taste is the major defense of the Monarch against predators, the plants also contain varied amounts of a cardenolides which can cause harm if ingested in large amounts. Studies show to be harmed by eating toxic milkweed you must consume many leaves. The only research we could fins was provided by farmers that mistakenly fed it to their livestock… up to .1% – 2% of their bodyweight of whorled milkweed ( A TOXIC variety) was necessary to cause harm. Their paper states that animals would avoid this weed and this type is the most dangerous. “Whorled Milkweed” is not one we would ever promote or distribute. As stated previously NOT ALL MILKWEED IS THE SAME. Some is very toxic and some can be dangerous under certain extreme circumstances. The facts of this paper state that while typically avoided, silage ( Cut plants fed to livestock ) pose a threat as the animals have no choice but to eat what is provided if no other suitable grazing is available. We AGREE if you starve your animals and force them to eat food laced with milkweed especially known toxic varieties there will be problems as a result of your actions.

Our farm is covered by milkweed and we have fed, goats, chickens, dogs, deer, turkeys, rabbits and all sorts of critters that graze in open pens or open bottom cages. We plant grass and all sorts of groundcover for them to eat. In every case where a cage has been left over an area too long every blade of grass and all weeds except milkweed have been completely eaten. Milkweed even non toxic varieties and new seedlings are untouched by all our animals.

Milkweed is sold in Africa as a Natural medicine to promote the cleansing of ones stomach by removal of harmful contents. Milkweed is also used as a food if boiled several times with changed water much like acorns that have a bad taste. There are many valid reasons to grow milkweed especially if you care about the Monarch and Queen butterflies.

One story found on Wikipedia with some evidence is that the Dupont company upon creating a life preserver filling wanted a monopoly. The natural floss from milkweed being used as supplied to the War effort of WWI by thousands of patriotic Americans many of whom were given milkweed seeds to plant by Gov officials for this purpose was a source of competition. A campaign to “educate” local Government officials about the dangers of milkweed was funded and did alter the distribution of seeds and their classification.

The real danger of Milkweed is that by cutting a growing plant the white “milk” sap of the plant contains components that can irritate the skin and eyes. This is a real concern if you plan to cut milkweed. Hands must be washed with soap and never allowed to wipe the face or eyes. Milkweed sap is much like the juices of a hot pepper that overtime create a slow burning sensation. Gently washing hands without soap may not remove all residue and if any residue enters the eye it will take a minimum of 30 minutes to repeatedly flush the eye with clean water before relief is long term. Having cut milkweed literally thousands of times it is with this knowledge in mind that we practice safe handling when we feeding cut milkweed to hundreds of caterpillars. If you ever get milkweed sap in your eyes by accident you must wash your hands with soap and water and then wipe your face with a clean damp washcloth several times then begin to wash out your affected eye with clean water. Keep washing and cleaning all areas that may have sap on them. It will take many washes to get rid of all the latex and components on the sap. It is much like a hot pepper in that you will feel the heat for up to an hour and it is only by another rinse that you will feel relief. Do not use any drops or medications just clean water and continue to rinse every time you feel the returning heat. It will take as long as an hour depending on how much got into your eye. Stay calm and continue the washing until the sensation has completely stopped and you will be fine.

Plants are all around us and there are numerous ones that should be feared by parents of young children and pets. Azalea, Lantana, Oleander, Rhodendrion, Sago Palm, Caladium or elephant ear is highly toxic and all are dangerous found all over they pose an actual threat. These plants are responsible for hundreds of vet and emergency room visits every year.

Another plant that was reported to poison and kill children is the pointsettia but this has been proven to me a myth started in 1919 and recently proven that its only threat is the same latex as found in the Milkweed and similar reported skin / eye irritations and vomiting if parts of the plant are ingested. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine conducted a study of 22,793 cases where ingestion of pointsettia by children showed no fatalities or usual need for medical treatment. I hear about the dangers of killer pointsettias every winter as they are sold by the millions. 22,793 cases of kids eating this pointsettias we found in Google in 30 seconds and after searching the internet for an hour and calling local hospitals we can find no incidence or study of any cases of kids eating milkweed. Is this another myth? The only information about milkweed studies we could find were on its use as a great healing food (www.livestrong.com) and a possible cure for skin cancer (www.dailymail.co.uk).

We get questions about Milkweed safety weekly and there seems to be more internet “reports” lately designed to warn and scare people from planting milkweed. We agree that everyone should know the dangers inherent in any activity so they can be avoided completely but we are not supportive of fear based warnings without the full explanation of why and how a material or activity was deemed dangerous. The education of our children is more than the elimination of anything that could cause harm, it is the explanation of the natural world, the beauty and dangers inherent in it. We hope to provide the education that Monarchs are part of a Natural world and circle of life in which dangers exist and it is our shared responsibility to prepare, protect, and promote the knowledge of their needs and our place in their world.

solutions, world peace, earth peace, earth speaks out, jill gatsby, gun control, peace talks, racism, religion,
Earth’s dummy, jill Gatsby is doing her best to post solutions for a better me and a better you, but she needs your help! So click on me and POST YOUR SOLUTION at http://www.earthspeaksout.com because Earth knows WE need them!

2015 Ice Show to End All Ice Shows! Check This Out!

Featured2015 Ice Show to End All Ice Shows! Check This Out!

via The 2015 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival – The Atlantic.

Chinese Ice City

Now this is being human!  Wowie!  What an expression of art! This is amazing and fun to watch.  Show the kids and tell them to move to antartica or Edmunton where they could build this city and live in it all year long!

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Okay, I just had a terrible thought about this … I just sure hope this city wasn’t made by 10,000 Chinese children chained to an ice floor and beaten into building this spectacular display of ice.

ice festival, chill, sculptors, ice,
Amazing – these guys actually look older than 12!  This is very good news!  Congratulations, China!  Good art and great job!



via ▶ The Hubble Space Telescope – EARTHS EYE IN THE UNIVERSE – NEW+ Space Documentary 2014 – YouTube.

Now we’re talking about a good video!  This is all about the Hubble, my personal photographer.  He’s very good at what he does.  Now check out this video and be amazed!  Now this is a good way to spend your Friday … looking at all the amazing things on me and around me!

Mexico’s Cartel more violent than ISIS? Let’s talk about this and do something already!

FeaturedMexico’s Cartel more violent than ISIS?  Let’s talk about this and do something already!

via These graphics will show you why Mexicans are saying they’ve had enough | GlobalPost.

Mexico Cartel, Kidnapping
Missing Students
Missing Kids
Missing Women
And they didn’t jump the border, people. This little country is more violent than Isis for crying out loud.
Now it’s time to start a conversation to transform Mexico into a peaceful place to be.

The disappearance of 43 Mexican students after they were abducted by corrupt police working with drug cartel gunmen shocked the world for the scale and severity of the crime. But the atrocity is only one part of a much larger tragedy of people going missing in Mexico.

Read more here.

Graphic by Simran Khosla/GlobalPost

Now humans, no one cared when the cartel was taking hookers, but now they’re taking kids.  Well, it’s not the first time, but it is HIGH time that something was done about it.  Now the question is … how to bring peace to this volatile little country that makes ISIS look civilized.   

Here’s a good video that could be helpful in starting this conversation and if this doesn’t spark a solution for you then go to http://www.earthspeaksout.com and post your own solution there.  

Jupiter knows I need it!  I mean YOU need it!  

Up to 100,000 people died in drug-related violence in Mexico in the last 6 years. We might think this has nothing to do with us, but in fact we are all complicit, says Yale professor Rodrigo Canales in this unflinching talk that turns conventional wisdom about drug cartels on its head. The carnage is not about faceless, ignorant goons mindlessly killing each other but is rather the result of some seriously sophisticated brand management.

TED Talks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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Couple Trapped In Closet Craps In Closet.

FeaturedCouple  Trapped In Closet Craps In Closet.

via John Arwood Amber Campbell arrested after being trapped in a closet at Daytona State College – Orlando Sentinel.

Okay, so look at these two morons.  Obviously they locked themselves in a closet that wasn’t even locked because these two characters are about as smart as a bag of hammers.  Now we must get to the solution quickly with this one because there’s not much of a story here …. how about …..


For crying out loud, humans!  For the love of my air could you all stop smoking altogether?  You are polluting the hell out of me. Try eating #crack brownies instead if you don’t mind.  If no one has invented them – don’t worry – some moron will.

Physicists Tackle MY Favorite Science Fictional Debate!

FeaturedPhysicists Tackle MY Favorite Science Fictional Debate!

via Physicists Tackle Our Favorite Science Fictional Debate.

Time, time, time.  All I have is time.  And you humans come and go in the blink of an eye, but what a mess you leave behind!  Really now.  Time may be relative, but your pollution isn’t.  It’s time to clean up your act and stop worrying about time.  You’re running out of it!  So what are you going to do about it?  I say Clean Up Your Act Already! Get busy this year in 2015 and do something to make me better and make you better. Go hug a tree! Hug your neighbor! Hug a stranger!  And for chicken’s sake, don’t try to hug a cop because they might mistake your arms for guns and shoot you!  Now, stop punching the clock and start smelling my flowers. What’s a matter with you people already? Stop complaining all over me. And by the way, time is on my side. 

This debate comes up every time a human watches a time travel movie: Is the timeline fixed, or is it constantly changing depending on what we do? Turns out that this is also an argument among physicists, some of whom believe the passage of time is illusion — while others view it as very real, and changing all the time.

time travel, earth speaks out
Talk about killing time!

The scientists aren’t debating time travel exactly, though it does come up. Instead, some are arguing that all events in time exist simultaneously, and we humans with our sad little linear, biological lives simply have an illusion that we are moving forward through events that are always already happening. Other physicists believe that time is, in fact, unfolding in real time — which means that we are changing the future all the time. Maybe physical laws themselves are even changing.



via Veronica Rutledge shot dead by son in Walmart accident had gun in adapted purse | Daily Mail Online.

Veronica Rutledge’s family are more interested in defending her right to carry the gun that ended her life and ruined the future of her two year old son than they are about the actual loss of life. 

Dream metropolis

Sure, Veronica had the right to carry a gun.  She also had the right to die and she did. But what about her son’s rights?  He had no say in becoming the murderer of his own mother at the age of what? Two years old? 24 months old?  Really?

guns, earth speaks out, news, baby, killed, shooting, kids, fire arms, purse gun, parents,
People put down your weapons and open your arms.

Her husband also exercised his right to buy his wife a purse that was “made” for carrying guns. This was his christmas gift to her when they were both aware of their 2 year old living among them.  

Gun control, parents, guns, babies, children, shootings, murder, naacp,

Now this two year old will grow up only to remember that he is the killer of his own mother.

Rutledge had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into his mother’s purse and grabbed a small-calibre handgun, which discharged one time.

Deputies who responded to the Walmart found Rutledge dead, the sheriff’s office said.

This is not what Santa wanted.  This is not what I meant by “peas on earth“.  

Anyone who considers a gun purse for a mother of a two year old a nice Christmas gift needs to have their heads examined.  

Humans!  Please evolve and TRY to find interest in hobbies that are less violent, please.  Try knitting for a week.  Try yoga! Have any of you down south ever considered tea tasting or an organic cleanse?  Guns are not toys. Guns do not have happy endings.  Guns are not biodegradable.  

This is not acceptable.  Veronica may be biodegradable, but her son's psyche isn't.
This is not acceptable. Veronica may be biodegradable, but her son’s psyche isn’t.

My Dummy is sick as a dog today!

FeaturedMy Dummy is sick as a dog today!

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I apologize for the lack of content, but my personal dummy, Jill Gatsby caught the flew when she was trying to catch a ride home from the airport.

Well, now she’s in for it.

She’s been sweating and speaking incoherently (which isn’t much of a change from her regular day life) but I am sure she’ll back up and blogging for me very soon!

Otherwise I am going to have to absorb her and that wouldn’t be good because then I’ll never stop talking.


Someone get my dummy a magical flu cure.  I’d tell her to take some of my mushrooms, but she’s already psychedelic!


It’s time to wake up and take my mushrooms. I put them here for reason, you crazy people!

FeaturedIt’s time to wake up and take my mushrooms. I put them here for reason, you crazy people!

The psychiatric drug industry is massive. More than $70 billion a year in sales, just in the U.S., are for drugs to treat mental health issues—mainly disorders like anxiety and depression.

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While psychedelic drugs—LSD, psilocybin, DMT, MDMA, etc—have been stigmatized as reckless party drugs that may even cause mental breakdowns themselves, science is proving the opposite is true and that they may be more helpful in supporting mental and emotional health than previously believed.

In a recent study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, MRI scans of brains under the influence of psilocybin were compared with normal brain activity.

via Anxiety and Depression Treatment with Psychedelics? : EcoSalon.

This is a video you need to watch if you drink bottled water.

FeaturedThis is a video you need to watch if you drink bottled water.

via Bad Plastic Water Bottles – YouTube.

How do I tell you this, people?

According to this doctor and his research and the documentation from this report bottled water can be a deadly healthy choice.

Watch this video, do the research and decide for yourselves.  If I were you though, I’d demand testing and regulation of MY

drinking water.  Just something to think about.

Neutrogena Poisons California Water During The Worst Drought In History! What A Bunch Of Heimers!

FeaturedNeutrogena Poisons California Water During The Worst Drought In History!  What A Bunch Of Heimers!

So Neutrogena may get your hair clean, but look what a dirty company they really are.  Shame on Neutrogena for this heinous offense.

What a bunch of losers. These guys should be ashamed of themselves. So they get fined $400,00.00. For them it’s a slap on the wrist. Now one less exec will have a company Porsche. What a loss. It’s time to put the people running these companies in jail for RE-PROGRAMMING – because anyone who believes it’s okay to poison me and my water is mentally ill and needs serious help.
Earth Speaks Out about Neutrogena dumping their toxic waste into California waters durning the worst drought in California history.
What a bunch of losers. These guys should be ashamed of themselves. So they get fined $400,00.00. For them it’s a slap on the wrist. Now one less exec will have a company Porsche. What a loss. It’s time to put the people running these companies in jail for RE-PROGRAMMING – because anyone who believes it’s okay to poison me and my water is mentally ill and needs serious help.

Neutrogena will pay more than $400,000 to settle a civil action filed after state inspectors found several hazardous-waste violations at the cosmetic company’s Los Angeles manufacturing facility.

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control announced the settlement Thursday.

Inspectors found in 2010 that Neutrogena workers were treating hazardous materials in a wastewater treatment system without a permit. The complaint also alleged that workers failed to perform several precautionary steps in storing and disposing of its hazardous waste.

The LA-based company brought the plant up to code that same year.

Neutrogena manufactures cosmetics and skin care products.

via Neutrogena settles hazardous-waste violations | 89.3 KPCC.

Earth’s Favorite Joke Of The Day!

FeaturedEarth’s Favorite Joke Of The Day!
dumb hunters, earth speaks out, joke of the day,
Earth’s Funniest Joke Of The Day!

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He’s not breathing and his eyes are glazed, so his friend calls 911. “My friend is dead! What should I do?” The operator replies, “Calm down, sir. I can help. First make sure that he’s dead.” There’s a silence, then a loud bang. Back on the phone, the guy says, “OK, now what?”

via Science declares this is the funniest joke in the world – CNET.

Texas won’t sign RAPE BILL to protect prisoners because they say, “How else are the inmates going to have sex?”

FeaturedTexas won’t sign RAPE BILL to protect prisoners because they say, “How else are the inmates going to have sex?”

via Petition drive urges Texas governor-elect to implement PREA | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News.

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Texas is a funny state.  Instead of reforming their prisoners and helping the sick people to become useful members of me they instead capture their prisoners, lock them up, get them raped every day and then when it’s time – they execute them or they set them free so they can go out and rape civilians and most likely kill them – because if I am not mistaken – isn’t that what prison reform is all about in Texas?

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Turning criminals into monsters? How civilized.  Now it’s time for YOU CIVILIZED PEOPLE to get involved here and step up.

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The petition drive – The Campaign to Stop Prison Rape in Texas – will deliver signatures to the new governor when he assumes office.

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Individuals who want to sign the petition should visit HERE.

More information about the lawsuit is available HERE.

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Remembering Michel du Cille (1965-2014) Earth’s great loss.

FeaturedRemembering Michel du Cille (1965-2014) Earth’s great loss.

via Remembering the photographic work of Michel du Cille (1956 – 2014).

Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post photographer Michel du Cille died of an apparent heart attack on Thursday in Liberia where he was on assignment covering the Ebola outbreak, the newspaper said.

The Post said du Cille, 58, collapsed after hiking back from a village where he and Post reporter Justin Jouvenal were reporting. Du Cille was taken to a hospital two hours away where he was declared dead.

“We are all heartbroken. We have lost a beloved colleague and one of the world’s most accomplished photographers,” Post executive editor Martin Baron said in a statement.Screen Shot 2014-12-12 at 10.28.53 AM

WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 24, 2014: The scene with the Washington Monument after people lit candles to form the letters into the words, “So All Can Vote” to support Voting Rights during a vigil on June 24, 2014 in Washington, DC. The vigil was a memorial to Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner, who were killed in 1964 by the KKK in Mississippi. The vigil included a display of 3,000 candles at the base of the Lincoln Memorial near the reflecting pool. Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice organization sponsored the memorial event on the 50th anniversary of their activist murders. (Photograph by Michel du Cille/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Screen Shot 2014-12-12 at 10.28.36 AMMONROVIA, LIBERIA-SEPTEMBER 24, 2014: Klubo Mulbah, (center in blue) a nurse who was infected with Ebola by a patient celebrates among friends and family on Tuesday September 24, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. She was among 15 Liberian patients who recovered from Ebola and were released today from the ELWA 2 Ebola Treatment Center directed by Dr. Jerry Brown. Each patient tested positive twice for Ebola and are now testing negative. (Photograph by Michel du Cille/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

See the Entire Gallery and works of Michel du Cille here

Why Earth Loves Barrack Obama!

FeaturedWhy Earth Loves Barrack Obama!

via Watch President Obama kick Stephen Colbert out of his chair and take over his show – Vox.

Watch President Obama kick Stephen Colbert out of his chair and take over his show.

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Now this is why I like this guy, Barrack Obama.  He’s got a sense of humor, he’s genuine, he’s really trying to do a great job and clean up two decades of Republican disaster and let me tell you people something … It’s practically impossible.  Especially when the Republicans do everything in their power to prevent any clean progress on me.

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Perhaps people should think again about all this rioting in the streets and what is really going on …. Has it occurred to you that the last election was bought and paid for?  Have you only just realized that the United States of America has fallen into the hands of the Republicans – The Imperial War Lords with their  Storm Troopers out in the streets creating war and disquiet amongst the people.

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What a wonderful tolerance for everyone Barrack Obama has.  I would have swallowed up half the senate if I was president.  But I’m just Earth.  What’s my vote count anyway, right?

micahel moore, earth speaks out,
Michael Moore’s 7 minute Wallet Exchange in NYC is hysterical. This is a must watch.

And do you seriously think it’s easy for Barrack Obama being surrounded by all those mentally ill white people over there on Capital Hill that think that America was founded on greed, gluttony, selfishness and religion?

Study the photo below carefully.  Barrack and I are in the same boat.

earth speaks out and about her favorite cartoon on the net!
#1 Cartoon of the DAY!

And now every cop in the country is going stark raving mad and they’re out shooting and killing anyone with a cell phone, a wallet, a hair clip, a pencil or a Snickers bar!  Think I jest? Watch the video – but pee first, because it’s very funny and I don’t want you to pee on me.

Now that you’ve watched that – I mean come on!  How can you NOT love this guy?

Earth Speaks Out!

He’s like Martin Luther King on steroids!



via Ask Chevron to pay what it owes to Ecuadorian communities! | SumOfUs.

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Oil giant Chevron has poisoned MY Amazon with 18 billion gallons of toxic waste. And for years, the oil giant has refused to pay to clean up its mess. What a bunch of wisenheimers.

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NOW in a huge development, affected communities are taking the fight to the International Criminal Court. While the international spotlight is on Chevron, let’s demand that it pays for its crimes!

Sign the Petition

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Over three decades of oil drilling in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Chevron dumped more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into pristine rainforest.

The company owes people living in the Amazon $9.5 billion — but has repeatedly refused to pay up, using its immense wealth and corporate influence to wriggle out of all responsibility. Now, we finally have a chance to make Chevron face justice.

Indigenous and farmer communities are taking their fight to the International Criminal Court (ICC), a body that can legally prosecute individuals and corporations for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

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While the international community is listening, it’s time to make Chevron pay once and for all. This is a true David and Goliath battle, and the Ecuadorians need all the international support they can get.

Tell Chevron to take responsibility for 28 years of environmental and social destruction, and pay what it owes to Ecuadorian communities.

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Texaco (now owned by Chevron) deliberately spilled billions of gallons of toxic waste into Ecuador’s pristine rainforest. Tens of thousands of people have suffered the consequences. The lawsuit filed with the ICC alleges that through systemic harm inflicted over decades, Chevron’s actions have effectively wiped out two ethnic groups completely.

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This is corporate power at its worst. The company thinks it can get away scot-free, because the area is remote and the community cannot afford to match Chevron’s army of ruthless corporate lawyers. It’s repeatedly refused to pay huge damages demanded by Ecuador’s courts, even removing all its assets from the country to avoid payment.

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Ecuador and the 80 Amazon-dwelling communities directly affected have been trying to bring Chevron to justice for years. But John Watson, the company’s CEO, has promised them a “lifetime of litigation” saying he would fight the case “until hell freezes over and then fight it out on the ice. This is pure bullying — by one of the world’s richest corporations — of people who have lost everything.

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The toxic oil waste the company knowingly dumped in the Lago Agrio region between 1964 and 1992 has devastated thousands of lives. But Chevron thinks it’s above the law. It thinks it can get away with killing people, poisoning the rainforest, and ignoring court rulings — but these are crimes against humanity.

While the case is before the ICC, Chevron’s bosses are under massive pressure to comply and pay Ecuadorians once and for all. Now is the time to speak up.

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Sign the petition to Chevron: Pay for your crimes against Ecuadorian communities.

Thanks for standing with the people of the Amazon,

Paul, Ledys, Angus, and the rest of the SumOfUs team

More information:

Rainforest Communities Seek Criminal Investigation of Chevron CEO Watson Before International Court, AmazonWatch, October 23 2014
Indigenous communities take Chevron to global court for crimes against humanity, Interncontinental Cry, November 26 2014

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3.

Earth Speaks Out
I’ve got News, Insults and Solutions! So come and get 2 out of 3!

Come on!  You can do it!  Give ’em a few bucks and then go to http://www.earthspeaksout.com and give me a buck too!  What am I?  Chopped Liver?  Help Poor Jill Gatsby!  She needs more help than anyone!  She has to type all this stuff, and copy and paste and complain and share and “like” – Poor Jill Gatsby!  The least you can do is LIKE her!  Oh …. and have a great day. Because why have anything else?



via ScienceAlert.

Gorgeous doesn’t begin to describe this – and the profoundness of life, creation and YOU.

Get a clue already and check this out!

earth speaks out, world's greatest art
These ‘Fabergé Fractals’ will blow your mind
Image: subBlue/Tom Beddard
A mathematical concept and natural phenomenon, fractals create never-ending patterns. These repeating patterns display at every scale – known as a self-similar pattern – starting off simple before growing progressively more complex. At their inception, they were based on pure mathematics, but now their applications are seen in physics, chemistry, earth and geological sciences, engineering, and transport physics.

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Look at all the little worlds around you!

FeaturedLook at all the little worlds around you!

via 12 Body Parts You Never Wanted to See Under a Microscope – Answers.com.

It’s pretty cool! Talk about rough skin!

Earth Speaks Out
Can you believe if you use mascara that you most likely have MITES living on your eye lashes? Ewwwww.

Brush your teeth already! On the tip of my tongue, people! Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 10.03.36 PM Look how cool your brain is! Blood Cells! Sweaty little balls Wow. What Am I?

Earth speaks out
Now this is not Jello – and these are lungs that don’t smoke.


earth speaks out, jill gatsby, news, microscopic skin
This is what you all look like at this stage of the game – and then you turn into human beings or the missing link.

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FeaturedJELLO claims COSBY got JIGGY with it!

JELLO comes forward against COSBY!

Jello, Bill Cosby, Sex Allegations, Earth Speaks Out
JELLO comes forward against COSBY!
Jello accuses Bill Cosby of getting jiggy with it, which proves there’s always room for Jello!
Waiting for Pudding to come forward. Pudding refuses to comment. Suspicions arise around the Pudding conspiracy. Did Bill pay off the Pudding? Jello claims it never got a penny!

Jello accuses Bill Cosby of getting jiggy with it, which proves there’s always room for Jello!

Jello speaks out and claims Cosby got fresh with its firmness.
Jello speaks out and claims Cosby got fresh with its firmness.

Waiting for Pudding to come forward. Pudding refuses to comment. Suspicions arise around the Pudding conspiracy. Did Bill pay off the Pudding? Jello claims it never got a penny!

via Earth Speaks Out1 The REAL NEWS with a comical twist!.

Earth Speaks Out!

Earth Speaks Out!


And it’s all NEW and VEGAN ….

Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 8.03.49 PM.png Hey! What about us Broccolli?


Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 1.12.26 PMYOU WERE MADE BY HUMANS, YO FOE!


Millions of Gallons of Water are Being Pumped Out of California for the Worst Possible Reason | One Green Planet

via Millions of Gallons of Water are Being Pumped Out of California for the Worst Possible Reason | One Green Planet.

People!  This is very, very important.  Share this! Pass it along and get involved here – if you love California do it!  If you love Bruce Springsteen – do it!  If you like Sex – do it!  If you ever want to go to the bathroom and take a dump on planet earth again and feel guilt free – DO IT NOW!

Help bring the water back to California!

Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible! | The Mind Unleashed

Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible! | The Mind Unleashed

via Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible! | The Mind Unleashed.

This article is so perfect and genius!  You must click to see it’s entirety.  It’s amazing!

I am ready to move in.

tiny house

tiny house living



Brentin Mock has written something here that cries out for action.  Humans, it’s time to shape up or ship out.

Please read this article that outlines an environmental conundrum for the human race in America.

What a 20-year biomass battle tells us about environmental justice policy | Grist.

For me and my dummy the answer is quite simple.  You put love in the middle, you do the RIGHT thing – You take care of these kids – you make sure they’re safe and make sure they get a fair chance at life on ME. They were born in America and they don’t deserve to be raised in filth like Flint.

Poverty In America comes in all colors ….
earth speaks out
Poverty In America comes in all colors ….

#YourMutha needs the humans with the big brains to start working together to come up with plans for more civilized societies.  In the United States of America there are kids being raised in conditions that are so deplorable it’s negligent manslaughter for anyone in America to stand by and do nothing.

Poverty In America comes in all colors ….

These kids in Flint MI are not just someone else’s kids – they are the children of America.  It’s our duty as Americans and more importantly as human beings to make sure no child in this country is ever raised in such deplorable conditions.

Yes, it’s hard to control how kids are raised halfway across the world, but here in our own backyards there are kids going to elementary schools not even a mile away from a biomass energy plant.

Earth Speaks Out
Poverty In America
earth speaks out
Poverty In America

Forcing kids to go to school next to a place that is emitting toxic waste on a massive level is condemning every child in the school to death.  This is insanity and it must be stopped. HELP THE KIDS OF FLINT! And urge the EPA to HUMAN UP and start doing the right thing.

A Transgender 9-Year-Old's Mom Made A Touching Video To Explain His Transition – BuzzFeed News

A Transgender 9-Year-Old's Mom Made A Touching Video To Explain His Transition – BuzzFeed News

via A Transgender 9-Year-Old’s Mom Made A Touching Video To Explain His Transition – BuzzFeed News.

This is a beautiful story, folks.  Regardless the skeptic, I am sure the video will leave you in tears.  

Or perhaps my personal dummy is overly emotional this afternoon.  Sniffle. Sniffle. 


A Transgender 9-Year-Old’s Mom Made A Touching Video To Explain His Transition

“The only thing that has changed for us is the pronouns.” Renée Fabish asks her friends and family to show 9-year-old Milla acceptance and support.

This is Milla Fabish with his mom, Renée.

Milla is 9 years old and lives with his mother, father, and older sister in Brisbane, Australia.

Milla, his family, and his doctors have made the decision the he should begin transitioning into a male. To help her family and friends understand, Renée made a touching video.

In it, she says:

Hello my friends and family. … I’d love you to watch this slideshow I put together. … It explains some major changes that are underway for Milla and our family. Milla needs our support now more than ever!

She begins by explaining Milla’s evolution.

Around the age of 2, Milla started referring to himself as a “boy-girl,” his mother said.

“Everyone told us it was just a phase. They’d say, ‘She’s just a tomboy, she’ll grow out of it.’”

“One day Milla came to me in tears asking if there was any medicine I could buy to turn her into a boy.”

“She started making comments like, ‘Why was I born like this?,’ ‘I want to be a boy — not just look like one.’”